
March 08, 2017  •  3 Comments

Meet these two young dreamers.

Cassidy & Webb.

They hope to make music a career.

We talked about dream chasing.

Their Story:

Cassidy: "I started piano lessons in kindergarten and played up until the 8th grade."

Webb: "I did piano lessons for a few years and hated them.

I am surprised that I went back to music after that because I hated piano lessons so much.

 My mom made me do them and she still gets mad at me for quitting. 

I started drumming in about 6th grade."

Cassidy said she started singing on the worship team at church in middle school.

(They are both currently on the worship team at Oasis, 

which is what they describe as like "their main gig".) 


Cassidy: "I started going to college for French Education. When I started, I was like

'I am going to go to school and get my degree so I can make money while I'm doing music stuff'.

I loved BG and I loved French, but I was just miserable and I was like 'something has to change'.

After I quit college, I was still working at Tiny's and I was just like;

'What am I doing? I made the wrong decision.'

And since it was this middle of the school year I constantly had people asking me,

'Oh, why are you home?'

 Even though I was originally commuting anyway.

 Then I would have to tell them, 'well I am not in school right now', and people would always feel

 the need to reassure me like, "well that's okay" and I would say "I know".

I would tell them I want get into music and they would say,

"Oh, so you are going to school for music?" I would say 'no, that's not what I am doing."  

Webb: "It would have sucked if Cassidy became a French teacher because then I would have been on my own."

Opportunities & Open Doors:

Cassidy: "I started feeling better once my friend Marin texted me because her

Grandma is part of the downtown association

and she was looking for people to do music. So Marin asked me if this something I would be interested in.

 I was like, 'I mean this is what I have been saying I wanted to do',

but then once I had the opportunity, I was like 'I don't want to do that, nope, I'm too afraid'.

My mom was like 'you need to, this is what you want to do'. 

I was stressed out for three weeks and I was like

'this is going to be BAD'...

It ended up going really well.

Then after that I was like 'that was okay.'

We have been doing stuff since then and I was like 'okay we are finally on a path'.

When I sit back and think of how young we are and how people don't even know who we are,

but are having all of these doors open left and right, it's clearly not by our ability, you know."

Webb: "Yeah, once we started getting all of the gigs and stuff,

I was like 'cool, it's probably going to work out, we might as well keep going with it.'

I don't have another plan and I really don't want to go to college, because I HATE school."

We all laughed.

Dealing With The Unknown:

I asked Webb what it was like dealing with the unknown because a lot of people deal with fear.

He says, "I kind of just go with it.

I would actually rather go that way because I like it better

not knowing what's going to happen rather than going with a plan." 

(I personally thought it was the coolest perspective ever,

I called him genius for that comment!)

Cassidy says, "Webb is more trusting than me,

I like a plan, my whole life has been planned. 

So I think that's why God was like

'yeah, were going to try something new'.

He kind of flipped that whole plan on its head

and he wasn't wrong 



So far they have played at 10 local places.

One of their favorites was playing at the new local restaurant, The Upper Crust on

Valentines Day. Cassidy said that it was one of her first options. 

They agreed it's super cool in there; also the boss is really nice.

Next, they get to play at a coffee shop in Tiffin, OH! 

Advice to the Dreamers:

Webb: "Stay humble. 

It will take you farther. 

 If your super cocky no one will want to play with you or record you.

That's the reason Twenty One Pilots made it so far,

cause I mean, they are not the best out there

-there's only two of them,

but they are different from everyone else.

Cassidy: "You just got to go for it.

If not you will stay stuck in a rut and you're going to be unhappy with where you at 

and it will be no one's fault but your own. 

God's not going to make me pick up this instrument.

But if I am doing stuff with it, then he's going to work with that."  

Love this young bro and sister team.

You can find them on Facebook @Wellsmusic





Jodi Kutzli(non-registered)
Their music is just BEAUTIFUL!!!! Can't wait to have Cassidy be a part of our wedding music soon!!!!
Isaac Boggs(non-registered)
I always love seeing stuff about Webb and Cassidy, we've been friends for a few years, but those two, they're going somewhere and I just love watching their journey from the sidelines. I'm happy that I can call them my friends and that I can support them in their dream as much as I can.
Ellie Wells(non-registered)
Of course I LOVE your choice of subjects Great story, its been quite the journey! As a mom who likes a plan...its been tough. I finally surrendered them to God's plan....and decided to pray and partner with Him, and serve as their "Momager" I am so proud of them, and support them in pursuit of God's plans for their future❤ nice job Leteisha!
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